This is the first tool Steamystats developed and it is for investigating the daily peak populations of logged in Steam Users per Steam application.
We used the CircosJS library, built using the D3 JavaScript library. Then adapted it so that it could display the peak player information from each Steam application in our database.
You can search for specific Steam applications, display specific years ranging from 2008 – 2016 and compare each year with other years of the same or different applications. Lastly you can change the colour hues used to display the selected years for each selected Steam application to make comparing and pattern spotting much easier.
The data was acquired using the API which we believe they sourced from SteamSpy.
This data has unfortunately gone from being updated regularly to now becoming a historic record. This is due to changes made to the Steam privacy settings by Value (2018/04/11) which makes games owned by Steam Users hidden by default. This has sadly led to SteamSpy being unable to operate anymore according to its creator Sergey Galyonkin.